Green Cities – Possibilities of the Future?

There’s a large trend towards imagining future cities (to hold the exponential billions of people that will be living X years from now) as “green” cities. As sustainable, eco-friendly, and, literally, green. Architectural sketches are rife with grass roofs, plants climbing up walls and ranging around interiors as if your new apartment-complex-3000 was itself a rainforest. What do these imaginings have to say about our current state of affairs? Well, we know that at least a large number of us are Eco-conscious, that there is a desire to make crowded living spaces beautiful and infused with nature, though the suggestion underlies: will there be a lack of nature around the cities so we must infuse our buildings with it? But even now, who wouldn’t these gorgeous green giants filling up New York City? Steel and gray buildings seems a bit outdated by today’s standards. We want to see sleek, integrative design, use of natural habitats, and a vision towards buildings of today that are a bit futuristic.

Check out these sketches and real photographs and tell me what you think about our growing love of green cities.

What about this? A poll on Images of the Future: Green Cityscape

As we grow more earth-conscious in order to save the environment (and ourselves), imaginings of future city-scapes take on a less gloomy look. Could you imagine this as reality? Would you want to live here? How far in the future does this artist rendition of the future seem?

gree city scape sci fiMitchell Joachim’s Eco-City Nick Kaloterakis