Steam Cell Research – Future Food

This is one of the most uncontrollably awesome things I’ve ever seen. Science, technology, research students, and food. I dare you to even imagine what’s going on here.



Coline Cassagnou, Elise Lemoine, Maxime Colnot, Caroline Angiulo, Pauline Vierne, Simon Laurenceau & Mariane Pinel, France

Steam Cells is a banquet of wonders. This project is the culmination of seven research projects by seven students, resulting in a seven course feast. The dishes investigate near realities and hyper fantasies, exploring the implications of current and emerging technologies through the presentation of fictional but edible scenarios — parallel worlds, extrapolated tangents, cautionary tales and design fictions. Inspired by the science and technology developed by the stem cells laboratory I-Stem in Evry (France), the work uses culinary and textile design as a medium to speculate and develop critical debate around our relationship with science and technology.

Science Gallery