Futuristic Reading List

Here is a compilation of the sci-fi, cyberpunk, or futuristic novels I’ve read that I am willing to encourage the masses to read, nay, feast upon. These books are awesome imaginings of post-apocalyptic glory (or horror), enticing technologies and great characters. The writing is good too. Like the generous Samaritan I am, I’ve also provided links to the titles so that with just a few clicks, you can have a book delivered to the doorstep of your house. How’s that for technology? Now, once you’ve looked through the list, maybe ordered a few books, but before you’ve begun reading, let me know the ones I should read that I’ve perhaps forgot about or known nothing of their existence. Thank you.

Note: Authors are not repeated even if other books they’ve written are also fantastic. If they’re on this list, they’re good. You can trust them.

Futuristic Reading List

(in no hierarchical order)

SnowCrash Neal Stephenson

Neuromancer William Gibson

Ender’s Game Orson Scott Card

Dune Frank Herbert

Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (all of them) Douglas Adams
Barefoot in the Head Brian W. Adiss 

1984 George Orwell

Brave New World Aldous Huxley

Not included: (Kenzo Ishiguro‘s Never Let me Go because it’s vision of the future is sensationalistic and stupid. So, some books are omitted for their lack of coolness.)

A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess

The Road Cormac McCarthy

Cat’s Cradle Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

The Sparrow Mary Doria Russel

The Lathe of Heaven Ursula K. LeGuin

Oryx and Crake Margaret Atwood

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K. Dick

Ghost in the Shell  Masamune Shirow

Crash JG Ballard

Kamikaze L’amour Richard Kadrey